Speed Up Your Profits: Better Article Marketing
Starting an article marketing career can be exciting but a little bit scary, especially if you don’t have the know-how. You can try by using the wealth of knowledge you have obtained, though. After reading this blog, you will be able to face the world of articlemarketing with confidence.
Learn to write well. Readers want quality content and if your reviews and articles are full of grammar and spelling mistakes, you won’t be taken seriously. Make sure you edit yourself accordingly and provide your readers with the information they need in the proper formats. Sales will increase if your website is well-written and well-formatted.
Write articles and reviews of the products that you are using. You have to seem knowledgeable and happy with a product for your viewers to want to try it out. Providing detailed reviews or information regarding the product will help your audience understand the product and want to click through.
Make sure you do proper research for all of your articles. You want to be known as the guy who has great information, not as the guy who is spouting lies and false facts. Nothing can kill your reputation faster than being branded as a liar or a lazy writer.
Even though articles for marketing have certain word requirements, the first draft isn’t the best time to think about that. The author should have a sense about how lengthly the article should be when writing it. Editing is the time to make necessary cuts in length and sometimes, the author may even find that it can be turned into two articles.
Keyword research tools are powerful aids in any article marketing campaign, but they should not be purchased. While keyword research tools and services are available for sale – most costing over 100 dollars – the experienced article writer does not need to spend money. The free tools available online (many from search engines themselves) are more than adequate for the article writer’s needs.
Make an Ebook. This is a portfolio of sorts, a collection of all the articles you have written. You do not want it to be too small, so wait until you have amassed a large number of articles. You can use this to show off your writing skills or sell it to people looking for article collections.
Rewrite your original article, or hire someone to do it for you. This article should be totally unique, high-quality, and optimized for your keyword. Be sure to write a compelling author’s resource box that contains two backlinks to your site, one pointed to your main domain, and one to the original article. Submit the rewrite to EzineArticles.com. Once your article is published there, you will have your own author’s RSS feed. Each article that is approved on Ezine will ping your author’s feed.
Speed Up Your Profits: Better Article Marketing
Your initial paragraph should capture the reader’s interest and draw him or her in. Search engines and readers generally look to the beginning paragraph of articles to determine article importance. If you include some great tidbits in opening paragraph, it gets the readers’ attention and entices them to keep reading. Don’t give away everything and keep it interesting. To ensure they keep reading, they have to want to find out more.
Put your main keyword phrase in your article title. Each and every article you write needs to center around your main keyword or keywords. Those keywords should be contained in each article as well, along with related or long-tail keywords. This helps your articles get noticed by search engines and brings the right readers to your articles.
You should write your content in a style with which you are comfortable. Just remember to keep it simple. Make sure all your content is written in a uniformed voice that all your dedicated readers will be able to read and immediately know it’s you.
When you are marketing your articles, one tip you must remember is to create a catchy title. Don’t get so caught up in writing the content that you forget just how important your title is to draw people in and catch their attention. The title is the first thing people see, so it is important to make it as attention grabbing as possible to get the most people to actually look at your work.
You do not need a website or a blog to be a great article marketer, but you will still need to reach out and make your presence known on various sites and blogs. A lot of people think article marketing is a shortcut in internet marketing, but it actually involves a lot more work, because you need to continuously write articles and post them in various locations.
Need ideas for articles? Look at the news to see what interesting stories are out there that may relate to your niche. Google Alerts allow you to find out what’s happening in your niche every day by email. Using this information will keep your site current and interesting.
In summary, you want to do all that you can to learn about article marketing. There is a lot of information available, but we have provided some of the most important tips. Hopefully, we have provided you with enough information to not only give you a solid background, but also further spark your interest for becoming an expert in it.
Image courtesy of Stuart Miles / FreeDigitalPhotos.net
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