Wednesday, 24 July 2013

Incentives: Do They Really Work

Incentives: Do They Really Work

incentivesDo you think free offers or incentives work on the internet. I suppose the question is have you ever put your email address and name onto a nice pretty page offering you something free.
Every day I receive emails from so many individuals who I have know idea who they are or what they stand for. One thing I do know is they are all trying to entice me into a squeeze page where I can input all my details then they can start sending me regular emails offering all types of things or discuss opportunities that will make me huge money in such a short-time frame. Does this sound like you?
I have been a bet of a skeptic in the past and always thought these types of incentives where scams. Yes there are individuals in the internet world who are dishonest and will try and scam you however it is really know different than in the traditional world.  I certainly have learn’t quickly to understand what is a scam and what is not.
What I have also learn’t with internet incentives is that it is know different to tasting wine before you buy. If you don’t like it you just choose not to buy it or in the case of the internet you just choose to unsubscribe. It’s as simple as that.
If you where looking at running a business in the traditional world, lets say a coffee shop, would you not look at different offers and opportunities that could help you get started or improve your business. Of course you would so what is the difference. The key is to ensure that you do your research before you exchange any money.
Don’t let the feeling of been overwhelmed with all the incentive offers. The worst case scenario is you receive the free offer. Imagine if the incentive could actually enable you to be better than you currently are or even have the ability to change your life for the better.
I don’t know about you but all the statistics show huge growth in online shopping and enormous growth in companies entering into the social media world so you will only see more and more of this in the future.

Incentives: Do They Really Work

One thing that has really helped me come to grips with the constant bombardment of offers has been the learning and education I have undertaken to know what to look for. As you probably know that driving traffic to a site, sales page or squeeze page is one of the only ways to have success online.
I have made a pack to myself that only those that try to build a re-pore with myself will I investigate their offer further. That is called attractive marketing. Wouldn’t you like to know a little about who you buy from. I have been involved is sales for many years and what stands out the most to me is “people will buy from people they like and if all things are equal they will buy from people they like”
Look for those that are willing to share a little about themselves. Those that are authentic in their approach and I am sure you will get what you are looking for.
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