Thursday, 13 June 2013

Why It Is Important To Build Closer And More Rewarding Relationships

Why It Is Important To Build Closer And More Rewarding Relationships

In business or in life one of the key attributes is to have the ability to build closer and more rewarding relationships through been Humanistic and Encouraging. This is having the ability to truly care about others and the ability to encourage others to improve. 

Encouraging individuals believe they can assist others in fulfilling their potential and providing an supporting environment that inspires self-improvement. They are sensitive to peoples needs and will devote energy to counselling and coaching others. They have a defined knowledge of people and demonstrate maturity and consideration when dealing with them.

Humanistic and encouraging people gain satisfaction through seeing others grow and typically form meaningful relationships. The willingness to take the time with people also makes them good leaders and teachers.

So how do you build the skills to be Humanistic and Encouraging:
  1. Think about the qualities you admire in someone that has helped you with your growth and development. 
  2. Increase interest in those around you and in your business. Listen, ask curious questions and get to know people.
  3. Solicit ideas and feedback. Ask others what they think.
  4. Learn to accept people for who they are. Acknowledge and appreciate their unique qualities.
  5. Put yourself in someone's else's place. Listen to other points of view.
  6. Be open about your feelings and thoughts. This encourages others to be open in return.
  7. Coach and teach others. Share what you know.
  8. Give more of yourself, and take the time with people.
  9. Provide sincere appreciation to others for the things they do for you. A note to say thank you goes a long way. 
  10. Convey your respect for people. Be on time for appointments and give others your full attention. Be honest and direct in your dealings with others, regardless of their position.
By becoming more Humanistic and Encouraging can result in the following benefits for you:
  1. Improved ability to lead and teach
  2. Closer more rewarding relationships
  3. More respect from others
  4. Enhanced listening skills
  5. Feelings of satisfaction derived from encouraging others
  6. The ability to achieve higher-quality results through seeking others' inputs
  7. A broader acceptance of people
  8. More patience
  9. The ability to act as a mentor to others
  10. Appreciation from those who benefit from your improved human relations skills
  11. The ability to complete tasks more productively because of the improvement in your work and team relationships
Taking the time to develop this skill will strengthen both your knowledge of people and the quality of your relationships. Humanistic and Encouraging could have the greatest impact on your life and achievement of your goals if you are willing to understand if others are reading you the way you would like them to. 
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