Saturday, 2 February 2013

Affiliate Marketing and Words of Advice

Affiliate Marketing and Words of Advice

Affiliate Marketing and Words of Advice

Affiliate marketing can be a major source of main or additional income for you. This kind of marketing is not rocket science, but it does require some knowledge so that you don’t end up losing money or sales. This list of tips should put you “in the know” to become a successful affiliate marketer.
Nothing destroys a visitor’s opinion of a website owner faster than a concealed advertisement. This does not mean that it is impossible to satisfy visitors and engage in affiliate marketing; the honest webmaster is simply honest and transparent about it. Visitors should always be made aware when a website gets money for endorsing a particular product. They rarely resent a straightforward advertisement as they do a duplicitous one.
Write most of your articles in a how-to format or a list of benefits and tips. Online readers love efficiently presented information. They don’t want to have to cut through 300 words of fluff just to get one tip. List your tips by number and include that in your title. For example, “5 Tips to….” For how-to articles, use a concise article format such as the one used on
If you want to find success with affiliate marketing, you need to be persistent. Despite all the hype, in most cases affiliate marketing is not a get-rich-quick endeavor. Instead, it takes a lot of hard work and trial and error to succeed. They key is to keep plugging away no matter how many times your campaigns or marketing efforts fail. Each time you fail, you will learn from your mistakes, and before you know it your will refine your strategy enough that you finally find the success you have been seeking.
In order to make the most money in terms of affiliate marketing it is important that you pick retailers that sell similar products. This will give you the data that you need on how each of your retailers are doing and it will also give your readers different options to choose from when they access your retailers through your website.
Provide some incentive for web users to click on your affiliate link. Just because you have a link on your website, it does not mean that readers will click on it. You need to show them what advantages or benefits they will gain by clicking on it. If the readers do not see any benefits, they will not take the time to click through.
Before you decide to sign up with a particular affiliate program, it might be a good idea to talk to other people who have used that program before. Get a sense of how easy it is to work with the company and what sort assistance they offer to their affiliates.
Find a program that will not only pay you for the sales that you make, but will also pay you for referrals that you send their way. There are some great programs out there that will pay you a percentage of what the people that you have referred to them have made, as well.
Consider all audiences when it comes to writing an affiliate review. For example, not everyone who rides a motorcycle is a man, so why not review motorcycle gear for women? You’ll end up with a niche audience who appreciates the fact you took the time to cater to them, and will return the favor through purchases.
When selecting an affiliate marketing program, make sure to check out the company’s conversion rate. This is the proportion of site visitors that actually buy the product they’re selling; a good site will have about a one percent conversion rate. A site with a low conversion rate isn’t worth the effort you’ll have to put out to direct traffic there.
There’s been endless debate on which is the best format for a sales page. Some say that stats prove that long copy outperforms short copy. Others say that most readers won’t bother to read long copy. You could start with short copy and at the end have a link to a second page with the instruction ‘For the full details click here’.
Eating healthily will provide you with the energy needed for late night coding sessions. Affiliate marketing can be a very stressful endeavor, so try to keep your diet healthy to make sure you don’t have any ill side effects from spending so much time at a computer fussing over statistics and links.
Select a merchant program appropriate to the topic of your site. There are numerous merchant programs available and what works for one site may not work for another. Take the time to select one, or even a few that you think matches your site well and monitor the activity. Keeping your merchant programs appropriate and manageable allows you to track trends and make adjustments as needed.
As you can see, there is a lot more to affiliate marketing than most people think. It requires a lot of work and patience, but it will be worth it in the end to help promote your business. By following the above tips, you are well on your way to more sales and bigger profits.

Allen Johnstone and Russell Woodruffe
Online Digital Marketing Experts

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