Friday, 19 April 2013

Read This Piece Before Marketing With Facebook

Read This Piece Before Marketing With Facebook 

facebookWhat sort of marketing are you interested in? When it comes to Facebook, you can really take a variety of avenues to reach out to customers and potential leads. You are only held back by your imagination and education, and this blog should help you out with the latter, at least.
Be more active on your Facebook marketing page on Fridays! The company has a happiness indicator that consistently shows people are in better moods as the weekend approaches and more apt to interact with you. Announce a sale or contest and ask them to tell their “friends” about it: you’ll see bigger results than on any other day of the week.
Try your best to remain professional at all times. Even if you are placed in a position where you feel like being less than a pro, think twice. Everything you do will affect the way your business is perceived, so be careful about the way you present yourself to others.

Read This Piece Before Marketing With Facebook

Using humour in your posts is great as long as you don’t overdo it, and the content relates to your business or product. Creating funny posts can actually get them shared across Facebook, ensuring plenty of eyeballs are engaged and your marketing campaign finds the success you want it to.
If you are going to post coupons and deals on your Facebook page, make sure that they are worth something valuable. Nobody wants to be constantly bombarded with messages offering five dollars off, especially if the median price of items you have for sale is more than one hundred dollars.
Be careful of any images you post as ads, as only 20% of the image can be actual text. If you end up submitting an image which has more than 20% text, it will be rejected and you’ve wasted your time. Be creative and create an image which captures your audience’s attention.
Be sure to update your Facebook page regularly. It doesn’t matter how great your Facebook page is. If you’re failing to update on a regular basis, you could be losing the attention of your customers. Make sure you post to the page often and answer any customer questions or feedback in a timely manner.
Always respond to posts made to your Facebook page. When somebody takes the time to comment or ask a question, you owe it to them to answer promptly. Also, remember that everyone else will see that you didn’t address the comment and may think you don’t respond to customer’s needs as you should!
Use tools to measure the power of your Facebook marketing. There are all sorts of tools out there these days to help give you an idea of how potent your Facebook marketing is. You could take a look at something like Sprout Social as a paid service or simply check out your Klout score to see if your efforts seem to be moving the needle.
When working on Facebook fan engagement through building conversation, lean towards posting easy to answer questions. If you post complex questions, you won’t get many responses and you could even drive some fans away. Keep the questions simple, and aim for questions that only take a few words to answer. This will increase the interactivity surrounding your page.
When you are your business, such as realtors or landscapers, consider using a personal profile instead of a business page. This shows people who you are and what you’re about, be it family life or activism. Be very careful about what you post on your wall, of course, as you could turn potential customers off.
Create customized tabs to highlight information on your Facebook page. This way you can clearly separate promotions, coupons, freebies and other things that you would like to highlight about your business without having them get lost in your wall posts. When the contest or promotion is over, you simply remove that tab from your Facebook page.
If you are especially shy, you should find a way to overcome that before you start trying to market your business. People will not want to do business with someone that seems to have a hard time communicating. If this is not something you can change, you should consider hiring someone to do your marketing for you.
The point of your Facebook page is to show the reader all of the good points of your business, so avoid any negative posts. Never bash a competitor on you page, or you will look like a spoilsport. That is not the type of person your audience will appreciate dealing with.
Use polls to engage your audience and get great marketing tips. If you see that a lot of people are not liking one of your marketing methods, it may be time for a change. This is a great way to find out what your users love and try your best to give it to them.
Consider surfing Facebook as your company instead of yourself. When you’re on your page, you have the opportunity to check out Facebook as the page itself. Do this and like pages which you think have a similar fan base, and then comment on those pages as well to get your name out to an expanded audience.
Always make sure to advertise your Facebook page in as many area as possible. Link people from your website, advertise in store and give print advertising a try. The easier you make it for people to find your page, the faster it will grow in popularity. This can help your business to prosper.
Don’t clutter your Facebook marketing pages with too much bling. Although you want it eye-catching and appealing, you don’t want to overwhelm people with more information than they can process. A simple page that looks clean, colourful and is easy on the eyes will be far more effective than one that screams to the reader.
While there are many traditional marketing tips which do apply to marketing online, including on Facebook, there are a variety of new strategies which you must put to use to find the greatest success. Nothing is guaranteed, though. One thing that can be promised is that using the advice in this blog will be a huge help.

Digital Experts Academy

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