Thursday, 31 January 2013

Social Media Marketing And Your Business: Proven Tips That Get Results

Social Media Marketing And Your Business: Proven Tips That Get Results

Social Media Marketing And Your Business: Proven Tips That Get Results

Having a successful business online can be challenging. It can be hard to attract people who want to buy your products or services, so you have to go and find them. Marketing with social media can be a great way to do this. Here are some effective social media tips that will make you a success.
The number of followers is a measurement of your success in social media marketing. Many large companies with iconic names will get followers just because people like their product. Smaller companies without the iconic names there the number of followers your company has is a direct link to how successful your social media marketing is doing.
Get to know your customers and cultivate relationships that will generate into sales. When you communicate with your customers and ask them to come into your business and meet you, you get to know them on a personal level as well as a social media level. It can be a valuable way to receive input on how your business is doing and how to keep your customers happy.
If you are looking to use Twitter as a social media marketing method, make sure that you choose a username that displays well and is easy to remember. This username should get the point of your company across, but should also be easy to remember. Don’t choose usernames like TommyXo1009. No one will remember it and it is likely irrelevant to your company’s name.
You can get more people to share your content by offering them something if they re-post your article or status. You could send them free samples, or feature them in your next post. You will have to find something that motivates your audience and that does not cost you too much.
The key to being successful using social media marketing is to have excellent content. This content has to be inspiring, educational, and interesting so that your followers will want to share it. When they share your content, you and your business are being exposed to new potential followers who may also share your content and build your social media presence.
To help you make the most of your social media marketing campaign, ensure your always posting fresh and exciting content. Social media users check their profiles very regularly and will have an appetite for new content if it is intriguing and relevant to them. By captivating these potential customers, you can increase your sales tremendously.
You should it possible for users to leave comments on your blogs. Not allowing reader comments will make them feel as if they do not have a voice. Make sure that you closely moderate the comments though because you do not want any negative or inflammatory information to be available for all to see.
When using social media marketing, you cannot limit yourself to one area of the internet. Since there are many different social media sites in existence, there are many opportunities to reach potential customers. Join every social media option available and take full use of the resources they offer to get the best results.
When your customers want to contact you on your social media, always respond in a timely manner. Do not let messages sit for days unread. Your customers and followers are taking the time to write, so from a customer service perspective. It is good customer service to respond to messages and comments at least on a daily basis
Try making some lists for your social media blog. When you are trying to attract visits to your blog, you need information that can be taken in quickly by readers. The best way to do this is to compile lists that show things like the 10 best places to visit or 10 songs that make you move.
Keeping track of comments, reviews, and blogs related to your business is an important part of social media marketing. There are many tools that you can take advantage of to alert you when new content about your business is posted. Keeping track of what others, particularly past customers, are saying about you is a great way to identify areas where your business could use improvement. It is also a good way to see which parts of your business have been effective.
Use these tips to make your business stand out on the internet. It will be much easier to get people to visit your website once you start putting these social media marketing tips in place. Once you see results, you’ll be even more motivated to stick with this great way of marketing.

Allen Johnstone and Russell Woodruffe
Online Digital Marketing Experts

Wednesday, 30 January 2013

Home Business - Good Advise for Making it Pay Off

Home Business - Good Advise for Making it Pay Off

Home Business - Good Advise for Making it Pay Off

Operating a home business can be an excellent way to earn money while maintaining your independence and doing something that you love. For your business to be successful, however, you'll need more than just a good idea and an entrepreneurial spirit. You'll find the following tips, gleaned from other business owner's knowledge and expertise, to be helpful.

If you start making a lot of money while running your home business, it is most likely time for you start looking for someone that you can hire as your financial accountant. Once your business started picking up, you just can't seem to find enough time to get to the paperwork, right? Do yourself a favour and hire someone to do it for you.

Make a budget for everything within your home based business. Know exactly how much you can spend on each portion of your budget, and stay well within it. You do not want to find yourself overspending on printing and advertisements, when what you really need are more office supplies in the business.

A home business should not be a day-care unless, well, your home business IS a day-care  If you have small children and want to start working from home, running your own day-care is an excellent choice! Your kids will have playmates and you'll have a second income for your family.

Employ your family for great tax breaks. If you just pay your family without adding them to your employees, you cannot use that money as a tax write off. If you add them, you can deduct their salaries, as long as you do not overpay them, or work them unreasonable hours.

If you are looking for a practical, profitable home business, try starting a home day-care  Good childcare is hard to find, and there is no end to the number of children needing it. A home day-care can allow you to remain home with your children while earning a good income at the same time.

When it comes to your business computer, be sure to buy one with a really good processor and lots of RAM. This will help you perform tasks more quickly instead of having to wait ten seconds every time you add a detail to that 3D model you're creating for a client.

A great tip for your home business is to figure out who your ideal customer is, and base the majority of your advertising toward them. This is important so that you make the most out of your advertising dollars. Do so by breaking your demographic down into areas such as age, sex, and location.

Use a spreadsheet to keep track of your business activity. You can enter mileage, purchases, income and other business related transactions all in one spreadsheet using different columns. Use formulas to run totals on the columns and tax time will not seem quite so threatening.

When working from home, you need to establish a space for you to work. By creating a space for work, you will limit distractions and be able to motivate yourself much easier. Make sure your children or spouse understand that this space should be reserved for your work-related activities and that you do not wish to be bothered while you are in this space.

If you do participate in a trade show, think of a way to make your booth stand out from the rest of the crowd, like running a raffle for a free product, or offering a big discount if someone makes a purchase on the spot. You want a way to entice people to stop at your booth so that you can tell them all about your product or service and make a sale.

When it comes to taxes and your home business, you want to be sure that you are keeping with the guidelines that the IRS provides. This is important because if you do not play by their rules you could either miss out on extra money available, or you could get in serious tax trouble by not following procedures.

Whether you have operated a home business for a long time or are just starting out, it's always beneficial to study ideas, such as those that you read in this article, which have brought success to other business owners. In running a home business, as with many things in life, greater knowledge can help pave the way to greater success.

Allen Johnstone and Russell Woodruffe
Online Digital Marketing Experts

Belief is Key to Success

Belief is Key to Success

Do you have belief that you can do anything that you want to do. Have you ever done anything that your belief was so strong that you achieved it and the feeling was total amazement.

I was watching an interview the other day where Tony Robbins was discussing the topic around belief and why people give up on things, why people struggle with losing weight, or why people don't progress their businesses forward and just stagnate. During the discussion he demonstrated this in practice on two individuals he was talking to.

Firstly he asked the participates to stand up with their hands by their side and toes facing forward. He than asked them to lift their right hand out in front them, than rotate that arm, clockwise to as far as they could go. He asked them to complete this a couple of times. When they had completed this he asked them to drop their hand, remain tall, close their eyes and than he began to talked them through the movement again, visualising doing it, imagining the feeling of going through that movement, rotating your arm even further, further than before and how good it felt.

He repeated this a few times and every time encouraged the individuals to think that their arm had rotated right around. After the visualisation exercise he ask the participants to do the exercise as they did first.  What was interesting both participates extended there arms further than the first time. What was the difference. It's simple. Belief. Believing you you can do something is the key. Do you think the individuals partaking in the exercise could rotated their arm further the first time. Of course they could. The two participants made some Individual comments, "I thought I might hurt myself if I go to far" I thought it would not be good for me." Amazing the word obstacles, barriers come to mind.

I coach a senior men's First Division Football Team and I was at training on Thursday night taking a pre- season session with the the firsts, reserves and youth. We had just completed an fairly hefty aerobic fitness session so you can imagine how everyone was feeling. We went straight from the aerobic session into a small sided game which included a lot of movement and passing with the ball. Pretty easy to see the outcome. They looked tied, effort was poor, you could see that a lot had given up, stagnated and wanted to quit.

So what did I do. I remembered the Tony Robbins clip, stopped training and brought the team together to discuss their effort and the body language they were displaying. We demonstrated the exercise that I had seen. Wow what do you think the response was. Everyone was able to extend their arm by 25 a 30% more. I asked the team what was the difference and why they could extend their arm further after visualisation. It came back to mindset, belief and believing that you could do it.  Do you think when we went back to training the session improved. You bet Yah. Belief is the first step to success.

Belief is Key to Success

Allen Johnstone and Russell Woodruffe
Online Digital Marketing Experts

Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Internet Business – How to balance your everyday life while building your Internet Business


Internet Business – How to balance your everyday life while building your Internet Business

How difficult is it to work at home when you have to juggle work and your family commitments to build an Internet business. Have you ever been in the middle of writing a blog on the internet and your little one comes up to you and starts tugging on your shirt for some attention or trying to show you the new hairstyle of her dolly.  What about your partner challenging you at times about how much time you are sitting on the Internet surfing for ideas to drive traffic, building relationships with customers or optimising your web page. I certainly can vouch for this having an Internet business of my own. Here are a couple of things that I have learnt to manage and help me balance the everyday life.
Every Sunday night I ensure that I plan my week ahead. This includes what fitness I am going to do, what my week looks like in my job, and what time is available to drive my Internet business. I input this all into my calendar on the internet and try extremely hard to deliver on it.
A key focus for my day is starting it when everyone else is still asleep. I find this to be the most productive time for me. I try to get 2 hours in before everyone wakes up. I have found that I am able to achieve at least 1-2 blogs, answer some emails, accept friends and followers on my social media pages or spend time writing an article and have some discussion on some forums. What I have also found that by committing to this I am working on building my Internet business daily which is critical to driving trafficto your sites.
Once everyone is awake I devote the time to my family. During this time we sit and chat about everything going on. I make it a promise to myself that I will enjoy those early hours with my wonderful wife and beautiful children.
I also take public transport to work 2 – 3 times a week and use this time to write blogs. That gives me an extra 2 hours a day to work on my Internet business. This also does not take time away from my family.
On my return from work I ensure I acknowledge everyone at home, sit down and have a quiet drink with my wife and catch up on the day. The children join in if they are around. I than try to get one hour in, prior to dinner to check emails and answer any questions through any forums that I am on. It is a habit and I believe it is vital to sit around the dinner table as a family unit as this is where you can really catch-up and create strong connections with your family. I love this time and at know point do a sacrifice it unless I have been called out for work purposes.
After dinner I take the time to put a couple more hours into my Internet business. This is where I would upload the blogs from what I wrote that day, maybe spend time building connections in forums, or loading up information on my website to share.
Come the weekend it is very easy to get consumed by the computer. I make sure in the weekend, on a least one day we do something as a family whether it going for a walk along the beach , playing a game or going out for breakfast or dinner.  I am always saying to myself: I choose to work at home on my Internet business for the long-term of the family but don’t use it as an excuse to miss out on quality time with my wife or children. Love them and cherish them.
It is absolutely critical you manage your time properly. Time management is very important where you have to multi task and where both tasks have the same importance. So make time and plan, You will reap the rewards of it!
Allen Johnstone and Russell Woodruffe
Online Digital Marketing Experts

Marketing - Be S.M.A.R.T about Building an Online Digital Marketing Business

In a previous post I discussed how to plan to start building your online digital marketing business by using a multiple pathways plan. I have used this many times through out my career to help identify clear pathways in helping me achieve goals whether in business or in the sports coaching arena that I coach in. With my online digital marketing business it has aided me in providing a direction in establishing actionable items that start driving traffic.

When establishing your multiple pathways plan its important firstly to identify a clear goal as discussed in a previous post. You will see the acronym SMART goals on the bottom of the attached document so I thought I would share with you what this means to really help you identify your goal if you where to start your journey in the marketing world.

Marketing - Be S.M.A.R.T about Building an Online Digital Marketing Business

The S.M.A.R.T acronym:
1. Specific: Think about exactly what is it you want to achieve in your marketing business.  When you think about this goal you can feel your stomach turning. Think about a time when you where very excited about something and how that made you feel. When you read your goal you should feel the same way. Your goal statement should answer the question of "which, what, who, where, when and why".
2. Measurable: Think about how you are going to measure your success of your goal. You need to be able to track your progress and measure the outcomes. Consider " how much and how many". Ensure you reflect on this weekly.
3. Attainable: Your goal should be attainable for your business. You might even be able to complete part of your goal right now.
4. Realistic: The objective here should be challenging but realistic and also relevant to your business. Identify the resources you will need to reach your goal and review and revise if necessary. Always consider doing the right thing for the long term not the short term.
5. Time Bound:  Set a date when you would like to achieve your goal. The objective should include a time limit. Consider "by when" do you want to achieve your result. Remember to prioritise.
Good luck in setting your goals with your online digital marketing journey

Allen Johnstone and Russell Woodruffe
Online Digital Marketing Experts

Monday, 28 January 2013

Marketing - Health and Well-being and its role it plays in building a Online Digital Marketing Business

Marketing - Health and Well-being and its role it plays in building a Online Digital Marketing Business

When you are either starting a business or already running a business its important that you take the time to look after yourself to ensure you are utilising all your brain power marketing your business. There has been research from across the world to consider how to improve everyone’s mental capital and mental well-being through life. Evidence suggests that a small improvement in your well-being will help you flourish as an individual and focus on marketing your business. Lets look at the 5 ways to well-being and what I use in my life to get the best out of everyday and deliver the marketing components of my business.

  • Connect! Connect with people around you. With your family, friends, colleagues, neighbours, and take the time to meet new people. Think of these as cornerstones of your life and invest time in developing them. Building these connections will support and enrich your life every day.
  • Be Active! Go for a walk or a run. Step outside. Cycle. Play a game. Garden. Dance. Exercising makes you feel good about yourself. Most importantly discover a physical activity and enjoy and one that suits your level of mobility and fitness.
  • Take Notice! Be curious. Catch sight of the beautiful. Remark on the unusual. Notice the changing seasons. Savour the moment, whether you are walking to work, eating lunch or talking to friends. be aware of the world around you and what you are feeling. Reflecting on your experiences will help you appreciate what matters to you
  • Keep Learning! Try something new. Rediscover an old interest. Sign up for that course. Take a different responsibility that you have not done before. Fix a bike. Learn to play an instrument or how to cook your favourite food. Set a challenge you will enjoy achieving. Learning new things will make you more confident as well as being fun.
  • Give! Do something nice for a friend, or a stranger. Thank someone. Smile. Volunteer your time. Join a community group. Look out, as well as in. Seeing yourself, and your happiness linked to the wider community can be incredibly rewarding and creates connections with the people around you.
So: Connect…..Be Active…..Take Notice……Keep Learning…..Give…..

Sunday, 27 January 2013

An Insight to help you start your online Digital Marketing Business

Well we have just been batted by ex Tropical Cyclone Oswald so while the Weather is still very stormy I thought I would share with you an insight that may help you in establishing your online digital marketing business that I have learn't overtime while I have been in the corporate game.
For any business to be successful and sustainable you need to consider different pathways to help you achieve marketplace success. I have used what I call a "multiple pathways plan" many times in my career which has been very useful in setting a clear direction whether it building brands or seeking opportunities to grow in the market.
It is a simple but solid plan that helps you consider your goal,  your pathways/opportunities, potential barriers, mitigation strategies, keeping your score on how you are going, and what it looks like if you achieve your goal. In the purpose of demonstrating how it works see the item below:

An Insight to help you start your online Digital Marketing Business

1. The first thing to do is to establish your goal. What do you want to achieve? What will drive you to succeed?
2. Consider all the pathways that you can think of that are going to help you achieve your goal.
3. You can dive a little deeper to select actions you are going to take in regards to the pathways you have identified. Remember to select what is priority. I remember a quote that I always use, "Big Trees Grow Slowly".
4. Identify any potential barriers and how you are going to overcome them.
5. Consider how challenging and how confident you are of achieving your goal. If it is to challenging revisit your goal.
6. Consider how you are going to score yourself so you keep focused.
7. Consider how this will make you feel if you achieve your goal.
Do this and you will set the path to establishing an online digital marketing business. Feel free to ask any questions.

Saturday, 26 January 2013

50% of the world's population is under the age of 30.....meanwhile our children in kindergarden and learning on business's have yet to wake up to the potential