Sunday, 22 September 2013

How to balance your everyday life while building your Internet Business

How to balance your everyday life while building your Internet Business

How difficult is it to work at home when you have to juggle work and your family commitments to build an Internet business.
Have you ever been in the middle of writing a blog on the internet and your little one comes up to you and starts tugging on your shirt for some attention or trying to show you the new hairstyle of her dolly.
What about your partner challenging you at times about how much time you are sitting on the Internet surfing for ideas to drive traffic, building relationships with customers or optimizing your web page. I certainly can vouch for this having an Internet business of my own. Here are a couple of things that I have learnt to manage and help me balance the everyday life.
Every Sunday night I ensure that I plan my week ahead. This includes what fitness I am going to do, what my week looks like in my job, and what time is available to drive my Internet business. I input this all into my calendar on the internet and try extremely hard to deliver on it.
A key focus for my day is starting it when everyone else is still asleep. I find this to be the most productive time for me. I try to get 2 hours in before everyone wakes up. I have found that I am able to achieve at least 1-2 blogs, answer some emails, accept friends and followers on my social media pages or spend time writing an article and have some discussion on some forums. What I have also found that by committing to this I am working on building my Internet business daily which is critical to driving traffic to your sites.

How to balance your everyday life while building your Internet Business

Once everyone is awake I devote the time to my family. During this time we sit and chat about everything going on. I make it a promise to myself that I will enjoy those early hours with my wonderful wife and beautiful children.
I also take public transport to work 2 – 3 times a week and use this time to write blogs. That gives me an extra 2 hours a day to work on my Internet business. This also does not take time away from my family.
On my return from work I ensure I acknowledge everyone at home, sit down and have a quiet drink with my wife and catch up on the day. The children join in if they are around. I than try to get one hour in, prior to dinner to check emails and answer any questions through any forums that I am on. It is a habit and I believe it is vital to sit around the dinner table as a family unit as this is where you can really catch-up and create strong connections with your family. I love this time and at know point do a sacrifice it unless I have been called out for work purposes.
After dinner I take the time to put a couple more hours into my Internet business. This is where I would upload the blogs from what I wrote that day, maybe spend time building connections in forums, or loading up information on my website to share.
Come the weekend it is very easy to get consumed by the computer. I make sure in the weekend, on a least one day we do something as a family whether it going for a walk along the beach , playing a game or going out for breakfast or dinner.  I am always saying to myself: I choose to work at home on my Internet business for the long-term of the family but don’t use it as an excuse to miss out on quality time with my wife or children. Love them and cherish them.
It is absolutely critical you manage your time properly. Time management is very important where you have to multi task and where both tasks have the same importance. So make time and plan, You will reap the rewards of it!
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